Monday, January 12, 2009

Entourage for EWS

Entourage for Exchange Web Services is targeted at organizations using Exchange Server 2007. This means that we can finaly say goodbye to WebDav and hopefully to all the issues that we face as EWS is a stronger and more robust protocol than WebDAV, that enables client applications to communicate with the server running Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 or later – for better compatibility, performance and reliability.

Entourage EWS will launch a public beta this month. The final release will be available later this year as a free update to Office 2008 users.

More Details:


Viagra Online said...

I waited for a long time for the discontinuation of WebDav, I always thought that it was just a waste of time and money.

Unknown said...

Hi thanks for nice tutorial but my question is what happen If I change the internalURi through powershell does it make any impact on existing outlook users connectivity or it should be silent configuration change for the outlook users.